The flag from the German embassy in Amsterdam. Liberated by the British at the end of the war. Exceedingly rare.
Another favorite of mine is this NSFK trumpet banner. On one side you have the Icarus logo and the other is a classic HJ theme. Obviously these two youth organizations worked closely together.
An extremely rare merchant flag. So the story for this one came from the Veteran's daughter. The story goes that her father was a translator for a high ranking officer during the war. When they came upon the ship which was at harbor he was instructed to take down the German flag and raise the American flag. Supposedly the allies then converted it to a hospital ship for their wounded. Upon further research, there was a German hospital ship named the Mur and later renamed München which was at anchor and converted to a hospital ship due to lack of fuel. I assume this is the same ship that the flag actually came off of. As you can see the flag retains it's original rope and was shortened (most likely due to wind damage) during the period. The maker tag on this one reads Bonner Fahnenfabrik Bonn a. Rhein. Eventually the ship was put into service with the French navy after the war and renamed a third time to Ile d'Oleron.
These banners were used for events involving Ford Motor Company and the NSKK in February of 1937. ONS is for the Oberste Nationale Sportbehörde (für die deutsche Kraftfahrt) and is a racing organization. The script reads "Kraftfahrzeug Winterprüfung der ONS Garmisch-Partenkirchen 3-6 Februar 1937 - Dem Siegreichen Fahrer" and these were presented to the winner of the winter race.
This is a small parade size flag that I got out of my first major Vet lot many, many years ago. This incorporates the Imperial era flag of Germany with a swastika and is to be considered very early.